Whether you have the most complex disabilities or just need privacy to take your insulin shot, working from home has greatly improved the lives of those with the need for further accommodations in their workplace. Many corporations have recognized and changed their own business practices to help fight against the global pandemic. These regulation changes have been more about public safety and less about those with debilitating disorders and accessibility needs. Regardless, those with ADA needs should be able to continue working from the comfort and safety of their homes if their work is remote. This allows for a more inclusive workplace that supports all people even when their disabilities are at their worst. The added benefit is for caretakers to be around loved ones even when they are working. Any situations that would need more specialized care at home could work and help support themselves and/or their own families. Before you or anyone you know says “I miss the way things were before”, know that there are many that never want to be forgotten about like they have been in prior years. Working from home options have given those who need it a lending hand many thought would never come.

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